stores all around the world there are pet products that are harming and
even killing our cats and dogs. Many supermarkets, pets shops and vets
sell these products which are meant to get rid of fleas and ticks on our
pets but instead of helping they are harming even killing our beloved
animals. Government records tell us that thousands of illnesses and
deaths in pets are linked to these products.It would be absolutely devastating if your dog was to suddenly collapse or your cat dropped dead after you had used an over the counter shampoo or anti parasite pet product. Popular flea and tick shampoos and drops are sold under various names however they contain the same type of pesticide (called pyrethrins or the synthetic version pyrethroids) that are the main ingredients in well known brands of products used every day to kill insects and bugs around your home.
It is not uncommon for cats and dogs to experience burns to their skin, vomiting, twitching, seizures, convulsions and even death after using pet products containing these ingredients. There is documented proof confirming that animals skin has been burned, animals have had seizures and vomiting and tens of thousands of reported incidents including thousands of deaths caused by products using pyrethrin or pyrethroid pesticides.
The United States EPA has begun a major review into pest and tick products to ensure their safety and could take action such as requiring new labeling or in some cases complete removal of products from sale.
Every year flea and tick problems with pets rates amongst the highest issues in vet hospitals. Fleas and ticks feed on the blood of their hosts and transmit a number of serious diseases.
The adult flea is probably the only stage of the life cycle that you are likely to observe. The eggs and flea larvae are generally very difficult to see without magnification and can fall from the animal and be found in your home between the floorboards, in dark corners, in carpet and in the pets bedding and surrounds.
An effective flea control program involves more than just killing the fleas. It also includes interrupting their reproductive and breeding cycle to alleviate future infestation.
Fleas are dangerous and on kittens and puppies they can substantially deplete the blood supply leading to life threatening anemia. They also spread a parasite called the tape worm.
Inside the body of some fleas exists the developing stages of tapeworm, some in egg form, some as small worms. When a cat or dog bites at areas on their body with flea infestations they can ingest several fleas and once inside the digestive system the tapeworm develops into a long worm.
Pets that are meticulous in their grooming are not as likely to have fleas noticeable in the coat because they are more likely to have ingested fleas during the grooming process.
Ticks also are blood sucking parasites and carry dangerous blood borne diseases. Some of these diseases can also be easily spread to humans so this not only puts pets at risk but also their owners and family.
As many as 8,000 eggs are contained in engorged ticks after they have had a blood meal from your pet.
So, to kill these parasites we are applying the same ingredients on them that kills cockroaches, spiders and other insects. Don't you owe it to your "furry kids" to take care of them, to look after them, to ensure that they don't get sick or worse still die?
They love us unconditionally, are so loyal and put their trust in us, don't get caught using those dangerous chemical laced shampoos and anti parasite treatments - they have PROVEN TO KILL!
Your pets trust you to look after them and protect them.
Thousands of pets around the world die daily from chemical
poisoning. Be very selective and careful of the shampoos and anti
parasite treatments you use on your best friend.
We have an amazing proven product which costs 20 times less than any other on the market. This is a product that no one else has but one that every pet owner wants.
Use and spread the word about this 100% safe and 96.67% effective pet care product and very soon, you will have saved so many pets' lives that you will be proud of yourself.
We want to help our beloved pets, will you help us?
Business Opportunity Available
For more information about the product or the global business opportunity we offer email me at: antiparasitedisc@gmail.com
Author. Doug J.
Article Source:
We have an amazing proven product which costs 20 times less than any other on the market. This is a product that no one else has but one that every pet owner wants.
Use and spread the word about this 100% safe and 96.67% effective pet care product and very soon, you will have saved so many pets' lives that you will be proud of yourself.
We want to help our beloved pets, will you help us?
Business Opportunity Available
For more information about the product or the global business opportunity we offer email me at: antiparasitedisc@gmail.com
Author. Doug J.
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